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Background and rationale

WADEMOS is a non-partisan, independent civil society-led transnational democracy solidarity network. The WADEMOS Network consists of over 45 Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) located in 15 countries in West Africa. WADEMOS provides a platform that mobilizes civil society resources, cooperation, solidarity, and voice to advance democratic governance in West Africa.

The Project is a regional initiative of the “Ghana Center for Democratic Development (CDD-Ghana), an independent not-for-profit think-and-do-tank that works through research, policy engagement, thought leadership, and civic dialogue and partnerships to promote and strengthen democracy, good governance, and inclusive development in Ghana and the rest of Africa. WADEMOS is funded and supported by the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida).

The Network operates around five strategic priorities, namely:

About the DEMOS-Fund

The Democracy Opportunity Support Fund (DEMOS-Fund) is one of the core initiatives established under the West Africa Democracy Solidarity Network (WADEMOS) to complement interventions at the regional level.

The DEMOS Fund supports initiatives to address democratic backsliding and respond to timely needed democratic interventions within the sub-region.

DEMOS-Fund 2024 Priorities

The 2024 DEMOS-FUND will specifically seek to strengthen civic engagement and mobilization through creative and innovative advocacy and dialogue to address drivers of instability and threats to democracy in the region with priority at the national level, around the following areas:


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Projects are selected by the PMU and approved by the Fund Management Committee based on established criteria.

It should be clearly stated and aligned to the WADEMOS priority action. Thus, how it advances and support the cause and objectives of WADEMOS in responding to democratic reversals at national and regional level.

  • Regional and national advocacy and activism around the WADEMOS priority interventions
  • Regional and national civic mobilization, civic engagement, solidarity engagements, capacity building, learning and knowledge transfer
It should be realistic and respect the funding ceiling

Completion of projects and interventions should not exceed a period of six months. Funded Projects should be implemented only within the ECOWAS territory

Integration of Cross-Cutting issues

Projects are encouraged to integrate cross-cutting issues such as women and youth.

Application Process

The application process requires the applicant to:

  1. Download the Application Form from including the Logframe Template provided in the appendix below.
  2. Fill it out accordingly by providing the required information
  3. Submit it to WADEMOS through the email info@wademosnetwork.org, copying g.annor@wademosnetwork.org
  4. All inquiries should be addressed to: info@wademosnetwork.org, copying g.annor@wademosnetwork.org


The application process requires the applicant to:
  • Member organizations and affiliates of the WADEMOS Network
  • Social movements and activists affiliated to WADEMOS Network member organizations

Administration & Implementation Arrangements

The Fund Management Committee is chaired by a Member of the Steering Committee and review progress reports and disbursement requirements as approved in the signed agreement with beneficiaries and partners. The Fund Management Committee shall be responsible for ensuring that the fund is utilized for the purpose described above. The Committee also ensures that expenditures are incurred in accordance with the applicable Financial regulations, rules, policies, and procedures of WADEMOS, for the purpose intended and within the funds earmarked for that activity and shall draw the attention of the Financial accountant to any proposed commitment or expenditures which in his or her view, is inconsistent therewith


The grants disbursed will be subject to internal and external audit procedures of WADEMOS.


The WADEMOS PMU and the Steering Committee with mutual consent may revise the above provisions, should circumstances require.


  • Application Form - EN
  • Logframe Template - EN
  • Application Form - FR
  • Assessment Checklist - FR


  • Application Form - EN
  • Assessment Checklist - EN
  • Application Form - FR
  • Assessment Checklist - FR