Gender/Youth & Inclusivity
WADEMOS’ Mission is to provide a platform that mobilizes civil society resources, cooperation, solidarity, and voice to advance democratic governance in West Africa.
Gender, Youth, and Inclusivity
Our work on Gender and Youth inclusion is inspired by the gap in the inclusion of historically excluded groups such as women, youth, and PWDs in democratic processes. We are particular about their inclusion and representation in all our programmatic areas, not just as a fundamental human right but also as their critical role in the democratization process.
To this end, we leverage the collective power of civil society to empower women, youth, and marginalized groups in all facets of the democratic process through research, training, and advocacy.
Our work in Gender, Youth, and Inclusivity seeks to:
- increase marginalized groups’ awareness of their fundamental human rights and how to assert them when they are infringed upon
- monitor compliance with international and regional protocols, conventions, and declarations on the rights of women and marginalized groups
- increase marginalized groups’ representation in decision-making positions in public and private spaces through capacity building, research, and advocacy
- demystify and advocate for the full inclusion of women in peace-building processes to ensure sustainable development
- raise awareness of the importance of women in natural resource governance and climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts, as well as building resilient communities