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Human Rights Violations: Balai Citoyen Demands Immediate and Unconditional Release of Abducted Activists

Le Balai Citoyen, a member of the West Africa Democracy Solidarity Network based in Burkina Faso, has demanded the immediate and unconditional release of Aboudou Rasmane Zinaba and Bassirou Badjo. The two abducted activists were leading members of the organization – Zinaba was the Organizer while Badjo was the Social Affairs Administrator.

In a press statement, Balai Citoyen also called out the government for the abduction, unfair treatment, and violations meted out to other citizens while reaffirming its commitment to the rule of law.

The social movement demanded that the junta respect the principles of the rule of law and human rights, and act per the constitution and laws in force.

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