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DEMOS-Fund Success Story: Assessing West Africa’s Governance Risks and Spotlighting Early Warning Signs

Several risk factors threaten West African democracy, with many expressing concerns about the decline in democratic governance quality.

Therefore, there is a need to interrogate the situation, identify the causal factors and triggers, and determine measures to counter these threats and potential issues. 

This necessitated the project proposal by Dr. John Osae-Kwapong, a Democracy and Development Fellow at the Ghana Center for Democracy and Development. “The Democracy Project” sought to inquire into the declining democracy in the sub-region.

With funding from the West Africa Democracy Solidarity Network (WADEMOS) DEMOS-Fund, Dr. Osae-Kwapong undertook this exercise and scaled up the research to cover the sub-region. 

In May of this year, “The Democracy Project,” led by John Osae-Kwapong, published the results and recommendations from their investigation of democratic government in the sub-region.

Visit www.thedempro.org for more information on the project.

Download the project summary here


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