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WADEMOS Steering Committee elects new Co-chairs

The Steering Committee of the West Africa Democracy Solidarity Network (WADEMOS) has elected the Center for Democracy and Democracy – West Africa (CDD-West Africa) and Stat View International as its Co-chairs. CDD-West Africa is headed by Idayat Hassan whiles Dr. Aliou Barry is the Executive Director of Stat View International.

The Executive Directors of these institutions (or their qualified representatives) would therefore lead the affairs of the Committee and the Network. The Co-chairs, Hassan Idayat and Dr Aliou Barry, would steer the affairs of the Network for the next two years.

WADEMOS is a network of civil society organizations across all 15 countries in West Africa. The Network seeks to solidarise, leverage their collective resources and opportunities to counter the threats to democracy within the ECOWAS sub-region. The Network has over 35 members. It’s Steering Committee is made up of 11 organizations.

The Co-chairs were elected at a recently held meeting of the Steering Committee, on March 30, 2023, in Accra, Ghana.

Profile of Dr. Aliou Barry

Dr. Aliou Barry is the Founder and Director General of Stat View International in the Republic of Guinea. He is an international development professional with over 25 years of experience in development work
with local, international, and the government of Guinea. He is also among the Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption’s (GOPAC)’s Global Task Force Team (2021–2023) on the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) and the head of a coalition of key CSOs in Guinea that have has launched the “Alliance Citoyenne pour la Transition” or the “Citizens Alliance for the Transition” to push against the military coup that took place in the country in 2021.

Dr. Barry has served in the Parliament of Guinea as the President of the Commission for Agriculture, Energy, Water, Natural Resources, Environment, Transport, and Industry. He was a key member of the Executive Committee of Parliament (2010–2014). He has been a member of the Guinean Presidency’s National Anti-Corruption Agency (2007–2014); a coordinator of the Francophone CSO Coalition for Integrity and Development (2009–2012); a member of the United Nations technical advisory committee for the Equator Prize on sustainable development (2013–2015); and a member of the Audit Committee of the Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC) based in Toronto (2010–2014).

Profile of Idayat Hassan

Idayat Hassan is the Director of the Centre for Democracy and Development (CDD), a Nigeria-based organization engaging in policy advocacy and research with a focus on deepening democracy and development in West Africa. Idayat’s interests include democracy, peace and security, and transitional justice in West Africa. She has been granted fellowship in several universities across Europe and America.

We congratulate the Co-chairs and wish them the very best in their leadership of the Network.


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